DEVI Кабель нагрівальний DEVIsnow 30T [89846008]

SKU: 89846008
Type: heating cable; Type of cable: 2-wire; Use: in external heating systems to protect against possible freezing of ice and snow in gutters and on the roofs of buildings, in gutters and downpipes, to protect outdoor areas and walkways from ice and snow; Power: 1020 W; Outer diameter of cable: 7 mm.
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Where to buy DEVI Кабель нагрівальний DEVIsnow 30T [89846008]: 
Devi DeviSnow 30T 1020Вт 34м (89846008)
Кабель нагревательный DEVIsnow 30T, двухжильный, для систем снеготаяния, 1020W, 34м, 230V (89846008)
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